Project information

  • Category: Full Stack Firebase Project
  • Client: Netflix app dupe
  • Project URL: website link

Details of the project

This project was built to focus on api calls, redux, firebase.I have used tmdb's live apis to make a duplicate of netflix application.

Key Takeaways from the Project Experience:-
  1. set up routing
  2. import createBrowserRouter , RouterProvider from 'react-router-dom';
  3. login form
  4. sign up form
  5. form validation
  6. authentication (google firebase )
  7. create signup user account in firebase
  8. create signin user account in firebase
  9. set up redux store with slice
  10. never use string always put them in constants
  11. creating custom hooks
  12. GPT search feature
  13. multi language
  14. responsive
  15. all secret information keep it in .env file

Technologies/Features/Extensions used:-
  1. yarn create react-app my-app
  2. Tailwind
  3. Cors extension
Hooks and concepts used in Reactjs:-
  1. useState
  2. useEffect
  3. useParams
  4. React-router-dom
  5. .map()
  6. .filter()
  7. Chunking/ code splitting/ dynamic bundling/ lazy loading/ on demand loading
  8. Redux [@reduxjs/toolkit and react-redux]
  9. useSelector
  10. useDispatch