Project information
- Category: Full Stack Firebase Project
- Client: Netflix app dupe
- Project URL: website link
Details of the project
This project was built to focus on api calls, redux, firebase.I have used tmdb's live apis to make a duplicate
of netflix application.
Key Takeaways from the Project Experience:-
- set up routing
- import createBrowserRouter , RouterProvider from 'react-router-dom';
- login form
- sign up form
- form validation
- authentication (google firebase )
- create signup user account in firebase
- create signin user account in firebase
- set up redux store with slice
- never use string always put them in constants
- creating custom hooks
- GPT search feature
- multi language
- responsive
- all secret information keep it in .env file
Technologies/Features/Extensions used:-
- yarn create react-app my-app
- Tailwind
- Cors extension
Hooks and concepts used in Reactjs:-
- useState
- useEffect
- useParams
- React-router-dom
- .map()
- .filter()
- Chunking/ code splitting/ dynamic bundling/ lazy loading/ on demand loading
- Redux [@reduxjs/toolkit and react-redux]
- useSelector
- useDispatch